Dietary management and control of Diabetes


Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder or condition where body cells cannot utilize glucose properly due to insufficient secretion of insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced by Beta cells of pancreas which plays very important role in transport of glucose into the body cells for production of energy in the body. The predisposing factors for this condition mainly hereditary, stress or chronic malnutrition. Fasting blood glucose level if greater than equal to 126 mg/dL then the condition is said to be diabetic.

Risks in Diabetes


Diabetes mellitus = Diabetes meaning to pass through and mellitus meaning sugar or honey.
So passing of sugar in urine is termed as Diabetes mellitus.


Symptoms of Diabetes

Increased thirst, increased urination, increased hunger, weight loss, glycosuria, hyper glycemia, skin irritation, body weakness, loss of energy, blurred vision, slow healing of cuts, tingling in hands etc.


Type 1: This condition is also known as insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Its prevalence is about 5 to 10% and occur due to destruction of Beta cells in pancreas. Patients require insulin injection ๐Ÿ’‰ for their survival.

Type 2: About 90-95% of Diabetes patients suffer from this. This disease occurs due to insufficient production of insulin by the body cells or the body cells cannot utilize the produced insulin. This condition is associated mainly with inactive people, obese people or older people. However, now a days above 35 are prone to this disease. For treatment of this condition patients usually control their diet, do exercise, reduce stress in life and use prescribed medications. In this condition insulin is not required.

Gestational Diabetes mellitus:

This occurs during pregnancy of women and its impact is temporary in nature. The blood glucose level is normalized after delivery.


Complications in Diabetes

Blindness, kidney disease, heart disease, foot ulcers, hypertension, stroke nerve disorders etc.

Dietary Management:

People suffering from this condition are often suggested to have foods rich in fibre, complex carbohydrates, low in simple sugar and saturated fat. Fruits and vegetables eating is recommended. Rather than having a single bulky meal, the meal can be divided into several small meals to reduce the blood glucose fluctuations.


It is recommended by the experts to include Carbohydrates in getting 55-60% of calories needed by the body. Complex carbohydrates like whole grain cereals, pulses and vegetables are preferred. Simple carbohydrates such as sugar, jaggery, honey and processed refined cereals are restricted. Root vegetables to be taken in moderation.


Soluble fibres present in fruits, vegetables, fenugreek seeds, legumes are more effective than the insoluble fibres present in cereals. Near about 25-30 grams of fibres are needed by the body.


It is preferred to have 20% of the total calories needed by the body through protein consumption in a day.


Calories through fat consumption should not exceed 25 % of total calories needed by the body. Care must be taken to include more mono or poly unsaturated fatty acids than saturated fatty acids. Mono or poly unsaturated fatty acids are present in vegetable oils ๐Ÿ›ขwhereas saturated fatty acids are present in meat ๐Ÿ– and egg ๐Ÿฅš.


A moderate to lower level of salt consumption is required so that normal blood pressure is also maintained.

Medicinal plants:

Bitter gourd, fenugreek seeds, jamun (naval) etc possess hypoglycemic properties and help to reduce the blood sugar level.

Use of artificial sugar

alternative for sugar


Instead of sugar, artificial sugars such sucraloses are preferred for Diabetic patients.


Writer is an expert in Home science subjects.

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