
Showing posts with the label Diabetes

Usefulness of Omega-3 fatty acid and its impact on human health.

Importance of Omega-3: Omega-3 is a polyunsaturated fatty acid that body cannot make by its own. So these are referred to as "essential fats". As body cannot produce it we have to get it from the food that we intake. Polyunsaturated meaning presence of  many double bonds in the molecule of Omega-3 fatty acid.  Sources: Omega-3 rich foods   Flax seeds, Chia seeds, Wal nuts, soyabean oil, mustard oil, crab, oily fish etc. Types: 1. Eicosapentanoic acid (EPA): It Contains twenty carbon fatty acid, a chemical called eicosanoids is produced by it that helps in reducing inflammation. It is also used  in reduction of symptoms of depression. 2. Docosahexanoic acid (DHA): It Contains twenty two carbon fatty acid and is responsible for 8% of brain weight. It is mainly responsible for brain 🧠 development and function. 3. Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA): It is a eighteen carbon fatty acid and helps in better functioning of heart, immune system and nervous system. Omega-3 rich foods ...

Dietary management and control of Diabetes

Introduction:   Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder or condition where body cells cannot utilize glucose properly due to insufficient secretion of insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced by Beta cells of pancreas which plays very important role in transport of glucose into the body cells for production of energy in the body. The predisposing factors for this condition mainly hereditary, stress or chronic malnutrition. Fasting blood glucose level if greater than equal to 126 mg/dL then the condition is said to be diabetic. Risks in Diabetes Meaning : Diabetes mellitus = Diabetes meaning to pass through and mellitus meaning sugar or honey. So passing of sugar in urine is termed as Diabetes mellitus. Symptoms : Symptoms of Diabetes Increased thirst, increased urination, increased hunger, weight loss, glycosuria, hyper glycemia, skin irritation, body weakness, loss of energy, blurred vision, slow healing of cuts, tingling in hands etc. Types:   Type 1 : This ...